A get-right-down-to-it online course for Web designers and developers who want to start creating more accessible Web user interfaces and digital products today
practical-accessibility.todayA get-right-down-to-it online course for Web designers and developers who want to start creating more accessible Web user interfaces and digital products today
When you use the <object> element, you can provide content between its opening and closing tags to be used as a fallback for when the linked image doesn’t load. This was a perfect opportunity to feed two birds with one scone:
- Provide a text presentation of the data presented in the chart as a fallback, and
- associate that text with the i
The Practical Accessibility Course
When the image of text is complex, the text alternative will often need to be accompanied by either (1) a more extended description of the image’s content, or (2) an alternative presentation of the image’s content.