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A Revolution in Creativity: On Slow Writing
The reason not to perfect a work as it progresses is that, concomitantly, original work fashions a form the true shape of which it discovers only as it proceeds, so the early strokes are useless, however fine their sheen. Only when a paragraph’s role in the context of the whole work is clear can the envisioning writer direct its complexity of detai
... See moreAnnie Dillard • The Writing Life
Mason Currey • Seek funny leaps
Daniel Southwell • The Art of Writing a Novel Slowly
Imagine this: The piece you’re writing is about what you find in the piece you’re writing. Nothing else. No matter how factual, how nonfictional, how purposeful a piece it is. Sooner or later, you’ll become more interested in what you’re able to say on the page and less interested in your intentions. You’ll rely less on the priority of your intenti
... See moreVerlyn Klinkenborg • Several Short Sentences About Writing
Try this: No outline. Research, reading, noticing, interviewing, traveling, paying attention, note taking—all the work you do to understand the subject, whatever it is, whatever kind of piece you’re writing. Reread your notes, and take notes on them. And again. Take notes on your thoughts. Most of all, take notes on what interests you.