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A Theory of Justice for Web3
Kat Fergerson added
Now, standing at the precipice of a new era, we should ask ourselves: Is Web3 actually democratizing opportunity? And if not, how can we better design platforms and governance systems to promote fairness?
Harvard Business Review • Web3 Is Our Chance to Make a Better Internet
Kat Fergerson added
Web3 offers the opportunity for a meaningful course correction — a chance to reimagine the internet and build new platforms from first principles. But in order to do that, we need to agree on what those principles should be, and why.
Harvard Business Review • Web3 Is Our Chance to Make a Better Internet
Kat Fergerson added
sari and added
Despite all the public conversations around the metaverse and various hyper-financialized NFT projects, Web3, more than anything, is a fundamentally different approach that some developers have agreed to. It’s based on the premise that there’s an alternative to exploiting users for data to make money — and that instead, building open platforms that... See more
Scott Kominers • Why Build in Web3
Emilie Kormienko added
Web3 protocols have an opportunity to do things differently, owing to the fact that they can distribute tokens to turn their users into owners, empowering them to govern the platform in alignment with their continued interests.
Jesse Walden • Product vs. Protocol: Finding a Balance in Web3 – Variant
sari added
If, as Sal Delle Palme argues, Web3 heralds the birth of a new economic system, let’s make it one that increases true wealth—not just paper wealth for those lucky enough to get in early but actual life-changing goods and services that make life better for everyone.
Tim O’Reilly • Why it's too early to get excited about Web3
Core to the tenets of web3 are the notion of self-sovereignty through cryptography, the ability to organize into global communities that resonate with our tailored values and interests, and the redistribution of network value back to users through incentivized participation.
Richard Kim • Spirited Reflections on a Spiraling Path
sari added