A Technique for Producing Ideas - the simple five-step formula anyone can use to be more creative in business and in life!
So when you reach this third stage in the production of an idea, drop the problem completely, and, turn to whatever stimulates your emotions. Listen to music, go to the theatre or movies, read poetry or a detective story.
James Webb Young • A Technique for Producing Ideas - the simple five-step formula anyone can use to be more creative in business and in life!
The term used by Pareto to describe the other type, the rentier, is translated into English as the stockholder-though he sounds more like the bag holder to me. Such people, he says, are the routine, steady-going, unimaginative, conserving people, whom the speculator manipulates.
James Webb Young • A Technique for Producing Ideas - the simple five-step formula anyone can use to be more creative in business and in life!
This technique of the mind follows five steps.
James Webb Young • A Technique for Producing Ideas - the simple five-step formula anyone can use to be more creative in business and in life!
In learning any art the important things to learn are, first, Principles; and second, Method. This is true of the art of producing ideas.
James Webb Young • A Technique for Producing Ideas - the simple five-step formula anyone can use to be more creative in business and in life!
What is the difference between principles and methods here?
Please hold that italicized definition in mind, because we shall return to it later. Note particularly the word: pre-occupied, with its brooding duality.
James Webb Young • A Technique for Producing Ideas - the simple five-step formula anyone can use to be more creative in business and in life!
In advertising an idea, results from a new combination of specific knowledge about. products and people, will general knowledge about life and events.
James Webb Young • A Technique for Producing Ideas - the simple five-step formula anyone can use to be more creative in business and in life!
This is simply to get yourself a supply of those little 3 x 5 ruled white cards, and use them to write down the items of specific information as you gather them. If you do this, one item to a card, after a while you can begin to classify them by sections of your subject. Eventually you will have a whole file box of them, neatly classified.
James Webb Young • A Technique for Producing Ideas - the simple five-step formula anyone can use to be more creative in business and in life!
So with the art of producing ideas. What is most valuable to know is not where to look for a particular idea, but how to train the mind in the method by which ideas are produced; and how to grasp the principles which are the source of all ideas.
James Webb Young • A Technique for Producing Ideas - the simple five-step formula anyone can use to be more creative in business and in life!
am convinced, however that you gather vicarious experience best, not when you are honing up on it for an immediate purpose, but when you are pursuing it as an end in itself.
James Webb Young • A Technique for Producing Ideas - the simple five-step formula anyone can use to be more creative in business and in life!
In advertising, the specific materials are those relating to the product and the people to whom you propose to sell it.