A Technique for Producing Ideas
creative thinker.
James Webb Young • A Technique for Producing Ideas
In this stage you have to take your little idea out into the world of reality. And when you do you usually find that it is not quite the marvelous child it seemed when you first gave birth to it.
James Webb Young • A Technique for Producing Ideas
Gathering raw material
James Webb Young • A Technique for Producing Ideas
we nearly always find that between every product and some consumers there is an individuality of relationship which may lead to an idea.
James Webb Young • A Technique for Producing Ideas
Art of Thought
James Webb Young • A Technique for Producing Ideas
First, the gathering of raw materials – both the materials of your immediate problem and the materials which from a constant enrichment of your store of general knowledge. Second, the working over of these materials in your mind. Third, the incubating stage, where you let something beside the conscious mind do the work of synthesis. Fourth, the act
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the principle that an idea is a new combination, and the principle that the ability to make new combinations is heightened by an ability to see relationships
James Webb Young • A Technique for Producing Ideas
The materials which must be gathered are of two kinds: they are specific and they are general.
James Webb Young • A Technique for Producing Ideas
Another point I might elaborate on a little is about words. We tend to forget that words are, themselves, ideas. They might be called ideas in a state of suspended animation. When the words are mastered the ideas tend to come alive again.
James Webb Young • A Technique for Producing Ideas
the specific materials are those relating to the product and the people to whom you propose to sell it.