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A Plan For Humanity
The faster we can create new belief systems to encourage mass cooperation towards our collective well-being, in this life, the higher our probability that we’ll each get the things we most care about.
Bryan Johnson • A Plan For Humanity
Still, the rate of human improvement is deminimus relative to the dynamic progress of digital intelligence.
Bryan Johnson • A Plan For Humanity
The investment returns, for a large percentge of scenerios, are higher for digital. After all, it takes 33 years to produce a single human PhD! Digital intelligence, generally speaking, simply produces higher ROI than investing in humans in our current economic system, and the delta is getting larger daily.
Bryan Johnson • A Plan For Humanity
Our current economic incentives (the engine that drives the world) are perfectly designed to put humans out of business and make us irrelevant as fast as possible.
Bryan Johnson • A Plan For Humanity
Radically improving ourselves is also the correct response to the coming unemployment crisis.