Saved by sari
A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas
Saved by sari
The mind, if preoccupied with a problem or question long enough, will tend to come up with possibilities that might eventually lead to answers, but at this stage are still speculations, untested hypotheses, and early epiphanies. (Epiphanies often are characterized as “Aha! moments,” but that suggests the problem has been solved in a flash. More of
... See moreIf you dream of something worth doing and then simply go to work on it . . . if you think of, detail by detail, what you have to do next, it is a wonderful dream even if the end is a long way off, for there are about five thousand steps to be taken before we realize it; and start making the first ten, and stay making twenty after, it is amazing ho
... See moreWhen I look back in five years, which of these options will make the better story? As Hagel points out,
No one ever regrets taking the path that leads to a better story