A Joseph Campbell Companion
And if your life isn’t play, or if you are engaged in play and having no fun, well, quit! The spirit of the sacred space is Śiva dancing.
Joseph Campbell • A Joseph Campbell Companion
When I was a student in Germany, an old German professor said that the way to choose a wife is to look at her mother. If the mother is a good woman and the kind that you regard as ideal, then marry any one of her daughters, and she will shape a life for you.
Joseph Campbell • A Joseph Campbell Companion
I think a good way to conceive of sacred space is as a playground. If what you’re doing seems like play, you are in it.
Joseph Campbell • A Joseph Campbell Companion
going to lead to anything. Everything is of the moment.
Joseph Campbell • A Joseph Campbell Companion
One great thing about growing old is that nothing
Joseph Campbell • A Joseph Campbell Companion
I see in marriage, then, is a real identification with that other person as your responsibility, and as the one whom you love.
Joseph Campbell • A Joseph Campbell Companion
To lose your sense of responsibility to the person who has given you that commitment because something comes along that enables you to think, “I'd like to fly off in this direction and forget that which has already been committed”—this is not marriage. I do not think you are married unless your relationship to your spouse has primary consideration
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Work begins when you don’t like what you’re doing.
Joseph Campbell • A Joseph Campbell Companion
What did you do as a child that created timelessness, that made you forget time?