Saved by Stuart Evans and
A few questions to use in the moment
19 Things You Can Say to People in 10 Seconds That Sometimes Produce Insanely Outsized Effects
1. Yeah, someone *should* do that. Why not you?
2. Is there something you could do about that problem in the next five minutes?
3. That's a great thought - have you written it up somewhere? I'd be excited to share it if so.
4. Should you write a blog or Linke
... See moreJason Shen and added
Who’s it for?
What’s it for?
What change do you seek to make?
What’s the hard part?
If you could learn one skill that would help your project, what would it be?
How can you tell if it’s working?
Would it be easier if you had help?
Would it be easier to make an impact if you were willing to give up credit or control?
Does this project matter?
... See more
Some questions
Kyle Steinike added
The Work consists of four questions you can ask yourself when you are troubled by a certain thought. 1) Is it true?
2) Can I absolutely know it's true? 3) How do I react when I believe this thought? 4) Who would I be without the thought?
Sara Campbell • Tiny Revolutions №76: Poking Holes in Our Stories
sari added
• What are your goals for yourself? What steps are you taking to achieve them?
• When are you most energized at work? How can you do more of that?
• On a scale of one to ten, how challenged do you feel? How challenged would you like to feel?
Dan Rockwell • Set Goals That Strengthen Relationships
Great questions for 1:1s.
Definitely aligns with one of my other articles I saved today on the things we do to impress others [[3-2-1: On Impressing Others, the Power of the Mind, and the Hidden Costs of Success]] by James Clear.
Even in 1:1s, I think leaders often forget the 1:1 is not for us to dominate, but rather, it is time for those in our charge to discuss their goals, desires, dreams, plans, challenges, etc.
It is time for us to listen and lead. We need to listen well, ask great questions, and support those we are called to support and grow.
I like these questions a lot from Dan, now I need to stop talking other than to start asking them.
Stuart Evans and added