Saved by Jay Matthews
The Pall Of Our Unrest
Grief is love. How can we hold this grief without holding each other? To bear witness to this moment of undoing is to find the strength and spiritual will to meet the dark and smoldering landscapes where we live. We can cry.
Terry Tempest Williams • The Pall Of Our Unrest
Only then can we begin the work of restoration, respecting the generations to come as we clear a path toward cooling a warming planet.This will be our joy.
Terry Tempest Williams • The Pall Of Our Unrest
It is time to grieve and mourn the dead and believe in the power of renewal. If we do not embrace our grief, our sadness will come out sideways in unexpected forms of depression and violence.
Terry Tempest Williams • The Pall Of Our Unrest
We cannot breathe. This is our mantra in America now.
Terry Tempest Williams • The Pall Of Our Unrest
This is freedom unmasked. We have a right to live as we wish. Until we can’t. Our reckless history of human habitation in the American West is on a collision course with the climate crisis. Climate Change is not a hoax. It is real and it is a fire-breathing dragon blowing fire at our doors.
Terry Tempest Williams • The Pall Of Our Unrest
It is true we have mismanaged our forests and suppressed fire for decades. We have ignored and failed to listen to the wisdom of Indigenous People who have understood and lived with fire for generations. We have built our homes within the woods when we should have respected the necessary breathing spaces between the domestic and the wild. We have o... See more
Terry Tempest Williams • The Pall Of Our Unrest
We have been living a myth. We have constructed a dream. We have cajoled and seduced ourselves into believing we are the center of all things; with plants and other sentient beings from ants to lizards to coyotes and grizzly bears, remaining subservient to our whims, desires, and needs. This is a lethal lie that will be seen by future generations a... See more
Terry Tempest Williams • The Pall Of Our Unrest
We are anxious. We are scared. There is no place to run. There is no place to hide. There is only our love and grief to hold us in the terror of all we are seeing, sensing, denying. We can’t touch the source of our despair because we can’t touch each other. And so we retreat inside when everything outside is screaming. We are sitting in rooms watch... See more