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you genuinely Appreciate people five times more than you criticize them, they will think more clearly and imaginatively around you than if you focus on their faults. If you Encourage people – build with them their courage to go to the unexplored edge of their thinking by championing their excellence – they will think better around you than if you c
... See moreNancy Kline • More Time to Think: The power of independent thinking
we’ve always told them that good friends aren’t afraid of your light. They never blow out your flame and you don’t blow out theirs—even when it’s really bright and it makes you worry about your own flame.
Brené Brown • Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience
Doing something different means choosing a different kind of partner. A fixer-upper may be a fun challenge when it comes to restoring a car, but it’s a terrible way to choose a partner. Nice Guys have a tendency, due to their own insecurities, to pick partners who seem like they need a little polishing.
Robert Glover • No More Mr. Nice Guy
CHAMPIONS stand up for you and your beliefs, and they sing your praises.
Shasta Nelson • Frientimacy: How to Deepen Friendships for Lifelong Health and Happiness
Nice Guys have a difficult time comprehending that in general, people are not drawn to perfection in others. People are drawn to shared interests, shared problems, and an individual’s life energy.
Robert Glover • No More Mr. Nice Guy
These are the people who want to make sure that everyone in the group is feeling included and happy. They are very attuned to the feeling states and needs of others and very generous in filling those needs. They are good at listening and are kind, supportive, and helpful.