Issue #15: Why Japan's Vintage Shopping Is So Good
This started with the Seventh Avenue, shop-and-copy approach that has defined the industry, but no longer works with consumers on a global scale. America created the concept of lifestyle brands—it drove the rise of casualization as early as the 1950s, first through denim, then khakis, and now leggings. But the fashion itself has long been predicate... See more
Coach & Kors’ Marriage of Convenience
Owing to fashion’s unmatched ability to reflect and influence culture at large, perhaps this industry is well-positioned to move society towards degrowth. It could be the future we choose.
good on you • Degrowth: The Future Fashion Could Choose

“We don’t want a world where fashion does not exist at all. We want a world where fashion is not overconsumption but freedom of expression”, Tsagkari says. “Imagining this new idea of fashion as something creative but also simple and accessible to everyone can be a great challenge.”
good on you • Degrowth: The Future Fashion Could Choose
In the face of AI that standardizes perfection, human traces—mistakes, smudges, scribbles—will become marks of authenticity and emotion. Imperfection will be a luxury. Uniqueness, a rare privilege.
Marie Dollé • 20 reflections on AI