1 - Find a thought or memory that always seems to brighten your mood, and make that the default thing you can always go back to whenever you catch yourself feeling worry, concern, frustration, impatience, or any other negative emotion. 2 - Do random acts of kindness. These don’t have to be difficult. They don’t have to cost you any money. They don’
... See moreAndrew Kap • The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need to Read
1. Stay active and don’t retire
2. Leave urgency behind and adopt a slower pace of life
3. Only eat until you are 80 percent full
4. Surround yourself with good friends
5. ... See more
Adopt a sohwakhaeng attitude towards life and fill your day with moments of “small but certain happiness.” •Make sexual energy your #1 priority and design your whole day around this.
Alexandra Franzen • The Checklist Book: Set Realistic Goals, Celebrate Tiny Wins, Reduce Stress and Overwhelm, and Feel Calmer Every Day
You can wake up in the morning, look forward to the day, and not worry about what will happen. Your daily life can be like a vacation. Work can be fun; family can be fun; you can just enjoy all of it. That does not mean you don’t do your best; you just have fun doing your best. Then, at night when you go to sleep, you let it all go. You just live y
... See moreMichael A. Singer • The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself
The key is managing your burn rate. If you put all the self-care off until next weekend or that next vacation, well, you see where that has gotten you. So how do you live a balanced life each day that helps move you ahead and serve your long-term happiness? You build it in.
Pedram Shojai • The Art of Stopping Time: Practical Mindfulness for Busy People
Physical Sleep well. Eat well. Exercise. This doesn’t mean go to the power gym with a trainer. It might just mean take a walk three times a week. Whatever works for you. Emotional Be around people who love and support you and whom you love and support. Ignore everyone else as much as you can. Engage with nobody who is bad to you. When you get in th
... See moreJames Altucher • The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth
Stop settling for spaces you've outgrown.
Here are 5 tiny ways to wake up to your life:
Ever notice how good we get at running past red flags?
That moment your gut whispers 'something's off'...
So you turn up the volume on 'busy' to drown it out.
And soon...
🚩 Your self-care routine is non-existent
🚩 Your calendar is full of rain checks to yourself