Tyler doesn’t look for people who are just going to do well, he looks for undervalued talent that won’t do as well without his help Very talented people don’t always have an obvious route to success without your help
Intelligence isn’t highly correlated to income—here are some factors that have a ---stronger correlation:-Energy and ambition-Ability to work well with others-Durability or the ability to stick with something-Ability to see the right hierarchies to climb within an organization
Unique interview questions:1) What tabs are currently open on your browser right now? Engaging this question will give you an idea of how they manage their ideas consumption.2) Which conspiracy theory do you think is plausible? Regardless of the truth, it shows that the candidate is curious and capable of thinking outside the box.3) How ambitious a... See more
In the market of ideas and technology, the top performers are at least 10x more valuable than the average performers—making hiring of utmost importance