Saved by RP
Kanchan Balani added
42 reflections on the meaning of life, the universe and everything
mrianleslie.medium.comRP added
I have a birthday tradition where I clear my calendar to make sure I do at least two things that day. The first is to write a letter to myself about what’s happened in the past year, how I feel, and what I aspire to do in the future. This causes me to reflect on how I’ve spent my time and who’s been involved. Then I make a list of the people who ma
... See moreCharles Vogl • The Art of Community: Seven Principles for Belonging
“‘As you step into your 30s, let me share a piece of advice: this decade is your time for true reflection. You’ll face the outcomes of choices you made when you were younger, affecting everything from your relationships and career to friendships.” -Ali Abdal newsletter
Eli added
my birthday gift to myself is the certainty that I have what it takes to start over if I need to. It’s a gift I’ve been working on for the better part of this decade.
Aisha Joshi • Why hot girls cry on their birthday
Regrets are resolutions, and 27 other lessons I've learnt at 27 —
sindhu.liveSindhu Shivaprasad added
"Many, if not most, inherently human triumphs are invisible, unsexy, and deeply personal. Inner work is impossible to describe to others and almost always goes unrewarded because it is not monumental in the conventional sense."