4 Levels Of impact | Ashoka
Impact Networks: Create Connection, Spark Collaboration, and Catalyze Systemic Change
amazon.comAt what level of scale will the intervention be situated? • How does this project connect and amplify with the others? • How does the intervention connect to both the long-term vision and the near-term milestone(s) ? • Does it represent changes in material (artifacts/processes/ technology/policy etc) or non-material factors (attitudes/beliefs/ valu... See more
Terry Irwin & Gideon Kossoff • Designing System Interventions - Transition Design Canvas
By mapping the components of individual services (or portfolios of services) against these two axes, perhaps we can explore their relationship to systems change. To what extent are we tweaking around the edges of the existing system, versus changing the behaviour of the system itself — and how ambitious is the effort?
Adam Groves • From service design to systems change
Understanding the Framework — The Social Change Map
socialchangemap.comTwo: Create Meaningful Change According to Peter Senge, most problems we face today are a result of yesterday's solutions. When we look at the big picture and see how it all fits together, we can identify opportunities that make sense for the whole. A Theory of Change is a framework for thinking about change interventions. We need to analyze the pa... See more