3-2-1: On getting what you deserve, the power of flexibility, and how good decisions are made
"If you make lists of lofty goals, it can be easy to leave them to accumulate, as happens sometimes, into a mountain of to-do's and notes and half-forgotten plans. Dreaming alone is seductive, even a little sweet, since it lacks the pain of trying. So it feels proper to prize attempts more than dreams. You should have ideals, but you cannot only lo... See more
3-2-1: On getting what you deserve, the power of flexibility, and how good decisions are made
Writer and programmer Simon Sarris on the value of effort:
"Whether a decision is good or bad can change based on how you act after the choice is made.
You can't learn all the lessons beforehand. You learn a lot about what you want in a marriage after getting married. You discover what type of career you enjoy after doing a lot of work. And so it goes in nearly every area of life. In many cases, what you w... See more
You can't learn all the lessons beforehand. You learn a lot about what you want in a marriage after getting married. You discover what type of career you enjoy after doing a lot of work. And so it goes in nearly every area of life. In many cases, what you w... See more
3-2-1: On getting what you deserve, the power of flexibility, and how good decisions are made
"If you do not bend, you will break.
The adaptable prevail. Determined, but flexible."
The adaptable prevail. Determined, but flexible."