3-2-1: How to stick to a new habit, how to handle criticism, and 4 types of wealth
3-2-1: On self-worth, how to have style, and how to build a great career
mail.google.comBe friendly to those who enjoy your work and friendlier to those who attack it."
Roberto Colindres added
The Management Tip of the Day
mail.google.comDan Beaumont added
sari and added
sari added
when we receive criticism, we go through three stages. The first, he said, with apologies for the language, is, "Fuck you." The second is "I suck." And the third is "Let's make it better."
Financial Times • Positive feedback: the science of criticism that actually works
sari added
andrea and added
The emotional tone of these questions is, in my head, lovingly curious; I’m not trying to put myself down. I’m trying not to kill ideas. I want to help them evolve and spill forth more insight. Often this dialogue ends with me changing my mind about several premises and coming to a different conclusion, but the original idea remains the seed—no les... See more
Alex Dobrenko added
The kindness between parts