#197: What is "personal style"?
Years may pass before you feel like you’re onto something, and this process will likely involve plugging your ears to the siren song of trends until you realize you actually have the same sensibility you had as a kid, it’s just grown up now. I like the word sensibility, I’ve started using it instead of taste when I’m trying to tap into something de... See more
#197: What is "personal style"?
My sensibility is basically consistent, and dovetails easily with the rest of my life and personality, because I came about it organically versus by algorithm.
#197: What is "personal style"?
“Desire that arises in agitation is an expression of the ego; desire that arises in stillness is an expression of the soul.”
#197: What is "personal style"?
There’s no harm in feeling unfinished. The harm is in assuming that’s a problem.
#197: What is "personal style"?
Part of the reason fashion is so complicated to love is its inextricable link with vanity—to put time and energy into it is to walk a tight-rope with your self-respect. Do you get dressed to honor, express, or delight in yourself, or to fit into someone else’s idea of worthiness? Do your clothes enable you to be present and engaged or do they push ... See more