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101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think
When we think of romantic love, we think of the flush of hormones that gives us an ooey-gooey emotion. We rarely think of the daily tasks and commitments necessary to make someone else’s well-being as important as our own.
Brianna Wiest • 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think
to preserve your sanity, you have to accept whatever comes into your life before you can change it.
Brianna Wiest • 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think
aspect of your personality, not to mention that letting
Brianna Wiest • 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think
The people who have lost love know that you can lose things you never really had,
Brianna Wiest • 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think
You’re afraid to move on, even though you want to. You may be ready to move on mentally, but until you completely process the accompanying feelings, you’ll remain exactly where you are.
Brianna Wiest • 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think
Let your choices be guided by the person you hope to become.
Brianna Wiest • 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think
So many people get caught up in allowing the past to define them or haunt them simply because they have not evolved to the place of seeing how the past did not prevent them from achieving the life they want, it facilitated it. This doesn’t mean to disregard or gloss over painful or traumatic events, but simply to be able to recall them with accepta
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It’s always yourself you find at the end of the journey.
Brianna Wiest • 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think
How you will remember this time in your life 20 years from now. What you will wish you had done or stopped doing, what you overlooked, what little things you didn’t realize you should have appreciated.
Brianna Wiest • 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think
whatever comes, comes with reason, whatever stays, stays with reason, whatever hurts, hurts with reason.