1 | Relationship
The Relationship-Centred City
relationshipsproject.orgit's actually interesting to think of the meta potential. of coming home to place, rather than lose ourselves in the meta crisis of yet again trying to fi nd solutions to a problem at global scale
Samantha Power • The Great Simplification
people who are creating containers for healthy community building. They see solutions to problems through the lens of relationship. They connect people to one another and create and cultivate spaces for people to develop relationships to solve problems. They know these spaces need tending to remain healthy and put in the time and effort to do that
... See moreNew_ Public • Celebrating the labor that holds up our democracy: the community entrepreneur
The process identified the following areas of need: * Building new infrastructure of belonging through community engagement * Developing infrastructure for social repair through lifelong learning * Creating new systems of care and sharing the skills for making meaning
Farah Elahi • Belonging Care and Repair
The role of a successful place is to provide a catalytic context for missions.
Venkatesh Rao • Placemaking vs. Mission-Shaping - By Venkatesh Rao
“Sense of place – the way we perceive places such as streets, communities, cities or ecoregions – influences our well-being, how we describe and interact with a place, what we value in a place, our respect for ecosystems and other species, how we perceive the affordances of a place, our desire to build more sustainable and just communities, and how... See more