An easily forgotten factor that dominates our lives is the “Cognitive Distance” between any two people, which I’ll define as including Differences in:· Accumulated: Training and Experience· Perspective: Language, Culture, and Philosophy· Baseline: IQ and HealthOne study discovered that someone with an IQ of 130 has just as much difficulty communica... See more
Pero, el acto de recopilar y registrar datos sobre las personas no es nada nuevo. Desde los registros de fallecimiento que publicaron responsables de la iglesia a principios de la era moderna, hasta los conteos de las poblaciones indígenas que aparecieron en los relatos coloniales de las Américas, la recopilación de datos se ha empleado durante muc... See more
We are all entangled in systems that both ensure our survival and destruction. The responsibilities that we place on institutions, such as big oil, big banks, big pharma, etc., does not lie within these institutions but within the linkings between them. "An institution is made of people, each with their own biographies, and it exists within communi... See more