Andy Spector


  • from Product Validation Frameworks are Mostly Useless Without Taste by Cedric Chin

  • Product Validation Frameworks are Mostly Useless Without Taste

    by Cedric Chin

    1 highlight

    Product management and Product Validation

  • from How Smart Do You Have to Be to Succeed? by James Clear

  • from How Smart Do You Have to Be to Succeed? by James Clear

  • from How Smart Do You Have to Be to Succeed? by James Clear

  • from How Smart Do You Have to Be to Succeed? by James Clear

  • from How Smart Do You Have to Be to Succeed? by James Clear

  • from How Smart Do You Have to Be to Succeed? by James Clear

  • from How Smart Do You Have to Be to Succeed? by James Clear

  • from How Smart Do You Have to Be to Succeed? by James Clear