Andy Claremont


Professional geek. Amateur dad. Building things on the web for a living since '09.

  • Global Warming Is Influencing Global Timekeeping

    Thumbnail of Global Warming Is Influencing Global Timekeeping

    Nature & The Environment

  • A Good Life

  • from 68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice by Kevin Kelly


  • Life

  • A Good Life

  • from On Developing the Community Profession by Rosieland


  • from Ownership: The Creative Person’s Greatest Weapon Against Layoffs by Ernie Smith

    Creativity and

  • from 3-2-1: On Endless Pursuits, the Value of Courage, and How to Buy Back Your Time by James Clear

    A Good Life

  • 12 Questions For Life

    Thumbnail of 12 Questions For Life

    Life and A Good Life

  • Minimalism Is Neat, but Clutter Makes a Home

    by Annie Midori Atherton

    Thumbnail of Minimalism Is Neat, but Clutter Makes a Home

    Life and A Good Life