Amit Cohen
“I think one thing that is a really important thing to strive for is being internally driven, being driven to compete with yourself, not with other people. If you compete with other people, you end up in this mimetic trap, and you sort of play this tournament, and if you win, you lose. But if you’re competing with yourself, and all you’re trying to
... See moreJournaling prompts
1. What would you do if money was no object? If I had all the money in the world, how would I use my talents to serve others?
2. What would you like people to say at your funeral? To what extent am I living in alignment with that?
3. What sort of ... do you want to be? How do you make t
... See moreburnout reasons
<<When we lose certain people, or when we are dispossessed from a place, or a community, we may simply feel that we are undergoing something temporary, that mourning will be over and some restoration of prior order will be achieved. But maybe when we undergo what we do, something about who we are is revealed, something that delineates the tie
... See moreUnspoken expectations are premeditated resentments.
— Neil Strauss
Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of a cancer cell. -Edward Abbey
“War is God’s way of teaching Americans geography.” - Rolf Potts