Lauren Wilde


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    We go through a lot of changes after having a baby, but one of the biggest ones can be a shift in our relationship. Many couples experience big changes in their relationship after adding a child to their family. The emotional labor of dealing with relationship adjustment after a baby is a lot of work. This invisible load includes: 〰 Finding a new normal 〰 Expressing needs and feelings 〰 Prioritizing time for each other 〰 Communicating effectively 〰 Letting go of comparison 〰 Grieving how things were 〰 Resolving conflicts in a healthy way 〰 Researching whether your experience is common 〰 Seeing the good in each other 〰 Developing healthy boundaries 〰 Cultivating patience and forgiveness 〰 Learning to effectively apologize It can be tough! You’re dealing with sleep deprivation, new identities and values, major hormonal changes, and working through the mental and emotional labor involved in your relationship. It’s no wonder so many couples experience frustration! If you feel like you’re disconnected, struggling to communicate, or lacking the skills to work through this adjustment, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. A therapist can help you (or both of you together) work through the changes, build communication skills, unpack resentment, and reconnect. Momwell offers more than just mom support. We also offer support for partners. Whether you’re coping with postpartum mental health concerns, struggling with the adjustment to parenthood, or simply not feeling like yourself anymore, we’re here for you. Our virtual therapists provide services across Canada and the United States. We recently launched in several new states, now serving 65% of the US (CA, NY, TX, FL, OH, PA, GA, WA, AZ, WI, VA, IL, TE, MI). Find out if we serve your area and book a FREE 15 minute virtual consultation. Comment MWTHERAPY below to receive a DM with more information or head to momwell.com/booking . . . . . #healthyrelationships #marriageafterbaby #newparents #momstruggles #momtherapist


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    Too often women on career pause feel counted out of the conversation about the balancing act. Take this as your sign your work is immense and you deserve to be included in conversations about how to better support mothers. Source: Salary.com and further research and insight can be found here — https://finance.yahoo.com/news/much-economists-stay-home-moms-130001098.html Additional note: this is not to suggest women working out of the home aren’t ALSO doing immense work. This platform is specifically here to change the narrative around stay at home motherhood in America and as such this post is specific to our community of women on career breaks but we truly believe every mother works and every mother mothers even if the day to day and some of the challenges are different.


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    Two parts of the rebrand of the stay-at-home parent: 1. It’s immense valuable work 2. We’re still growing and learning. Why? So we get the support and respect needed during chapters of caregiving and the time away from the traditional workforce is respected and supported in our transition back to the paid workforce.

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    Be gentle with yourself. Feeling insecure from time to time is just part of being human 🫶 #millennialtherapist


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    Love notes to myself and to you. Take what you need 💌 #selfloveclub


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    I find this topic so fascinating and have been loving all of the convos I have been getting to have with you all in the comments and DMs! This question was a helpful one for myself as I was trying to decide to have kids. Is there a question you would encourage other fence sitters to ask themselves? PS. As always I am not trying to make someone choose either way. Everyone’s choice is valid. Also it’s important to acknowledge having the choice to have kids is a privilege in itself and my heart goes out to those who don’t have the choice. 💗💗💗

    Family Planning

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    There’s a difference. For 7 years we’ve been championing an updated narrative about the modern “stay-at-home mom” to move past the caricatures from generations ago. Modern women on career pauses or downshifts to make room for the complicated, immense work of family life today have accrued more education and more work experience before motherhood, we have equitable relationships with partners with this generation of dads spending 3x the amount of time with children, we have access to digital landscape for flex work, education and ongoing growth and connection. And it’s imperative we update the perception so women choosing to pause or downshift aren’t counted out as giving up on ambition or expected to meet an ideology of doing it all on their own in the home. But lastly, we are finally at a moment where we are reexamining work and family and embracing a more nuanced fluid view that stands to unite women. Let’s not go backward and equate a decision to pause or shift for unique family needs with defending tradition. That’s what divided us generations ago and we have so much to gain by staying together.


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    ❤️ from @crunchy_mama_0128 Nnneeeedddddddd morrreeeeee rooooommmmm! #bedsharingwithatoddler #toddlerlife #firsttimemom #cosleeping #attachmentparenting #toddlerbedtime #momlife #familybed #gentleparenting #bedtimestruggles #toddlermom #toddlersleep #mommyandme #safebedsharing #newmom #motherhood #toddleradventures #bedtimeroutine #mommyhood #naptimefun


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    This space is all about changing the language about career pauses for family life and this is a good one to take on. No, maternity leave or chapters of at-home parenting is not time off. Some people think it’s just colloquial conversation. I say it’s cultural messaging that undervalues the immense work of caregiving and family life in modern days and if we can change that messaging we empower parents to be valued, supported and respected during chapters of the non traditional work in the home. Happy Monday!
