Vyara Ndejuru


we’ll see I guess
  • Corporate Communications

  • My Comments Are in the Google Doc Linked in the Dropbox I Sent in the Slack

    Thumbnail of My Comments Are in the Google Doc Linked in the Dropbox I Sent in the Slack

    Future of Work

  • Rethinking the startup MVP: Building a competitive product | Linear

    Thumbnail of Rethinking the startup MVP: Building a competitive product | Linear


  • Why Fear & Faith Are Permanent Emotions — Tom Greene

    by Tom Greene

    Thumbnail of Why Fear & Faith Are Permanent Emotions — Tom Greene

    Finding Meaning

  • Community ≠ Marketing: Why We Need Go-to-Community, Not Just Go-to-Market

    by Patrick Woods

    7 highlights

    Thumbnail of Community ≠ Marketing: Why We Need Go-to-Community, Not Just Go-to-Market

    Go to community and

  • Co-ops, DAOs, and the way forward for collectives

    by Sara Campbell

    7 highlights

    Thumbnail of Co-ops, DAOs, and the way forward for collectives

    Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO) and

  • Web3 101

  • Web3: in a nutshell

    by Mirror

    7 highlights

    Thumbnail of Web3: in a nutshell

    Web 3.0 and

  • Poolsuite: the future of leisure & commerce

    by Holyn Kanake

    1 highlight

    Thumbnail of Poolsuite: the future of leisure & commerce

    leisure and

  • Political Ideologies for the 21st Century - RadicalxChange

    by radicalxchange.org

    1 highlight

    Thumbnail of Political Ideologies for the 21st Century - RadicalxChange

    libertarianism and