Kasturi Kiri
Kasturi Kiri
Researchers & archivists build up a network of every-shifting ideas and meanings.
This process of exploring shifting patterns feels like looking through a kaleidoscope.
Ideas, if watered regularly, are always ripening in the mind.
No memory is ever alone; it’s at the end of a trail of memories, a dozen trails that each have their own associations.
A memory is not a singular event, but a trail of associations.
In the being mode, remembering is actively recalling words, ideas, sights, paintings, music; that is, connecting the single datum to be remembered and the many other data that it is connected with.
Remembering is active.
Any one memory contains multiple references to other memories.
Outcomes/success often lags behind your daily actions… be patient
Being an anonymous creative frees you up to create naiive, sincere and imperfect work - and find joy in it.
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