Sebastiano Mancin
Leadership is the ability to move something in a direction that the cultural forces are not already taking things
Potrebbe nascere una bella riflessione sul concetto di leadership efficace e su una metodologia di future-proofing da applicare in ambito management and growth
“I costi “sommersi” o irrecuperabili – essere costretti a prendere decisioni in base all’impegno profuso in passato in un certo ambito, che non può venirci rimborsato – sono un problema non da poco, in un mondo in cui le persone cambiano con il tempo. Il nostro sé del futuro si ritrova prigioniero del nostro sé del passato. È come se un estraneo pr
... See more“There are good reasons to put your shields down. You owe a debt to tomorrow – to use it in the best way you can. Too often, we let Resistance hold us back, instead of taking a hard look at what’s possible.” – Seth Godin
The dangers of following what society and influencers impose
We’re often given a single plot about what makes life worth living. Just follow this one path, the story goes, and you’ll get your happy ending. But the paths and the plots are multiple. In attempting to duplicate someone else’s seemingly happy ending, we end up deleting the possible plots of our own life. We become a silent extra in the background of someone else’s movie.
In the end, the journey to self-improvement isn’t about copying someone else’s highlight reel.
It’s about finding what genuinely works for us, imperfections and all—and maybe laughing at the absurdity of milking a goat at dawn.