Dominant systems locked in by strong network effects always appear invulnerable to disruption, until they're suddenly not. The current internet is a particularly massive network lock-in, but given its technical debt and increasingly painful aspects (more on this below), there is no reason a disruptor at the full-stack level cannot or should not ari... See more
In 2021, Spotify reached out to buy @ConvertKit for hundreds of millions.
I said no.
Instead we came up with an innovative way to get liquidity for our team:
But again, this is a problem unique to Western social media design. In conflating the social graph and the interest graph, we've introduced a content matching problem that needn't exist. I don't get upset that my friends don't follow me on TikTok or Reddit or what I think of as purer interest and/or entertainment networks. It's very clear in those ... See more
Building in public:-Creates a narrative that an audience can follow & get behind-Builds trust: both internally (at the company) and externally (to an audience).-Builds your status as an expert in a specific field.-Invites immediate feedback from users following your journey.-Attracts talent to your company. There are many recent case studies of... See more