4. Communication is key: It’s really hard to reach NFT buyers. Almost laughably hard: Someone can spend hundreds or thousands of dollars in ETH to get a collectible from your brand, and you can have no way of communicating with them save airdropping to their wallet address. In part this is by design, the verifiable anonymity that blockchain technol... See more
Opinion - Discord is unusable. Endless feed of stuff, all the time, everything gets lost, zero curation, cant track anything, like 1000 people shouting at each other in a bar, like Twitter without a basic algorithm. Urgh! We cant built web 3 communities on this...
But in this new world, making is show business. Look at what founders do all day! And I don’t mean that in a derogatory way. It’s hard work to create a product, create attention, and then - most importantly - manage that attention so it feeds you momentum but doesn’t burn you out. That’s the hard part of show business; the part they don’t tell you ... See more
At the moment, Google Docs offers just three "roles": Viewer, Commentor, and Editor. This makes sense for collaborations below ten active participants; beyond that point, chaos reigns.
This is precisely the arc that we’ve watched immersive entertainment take over the last decade. It has evolved over time to address the shortcomings of the previous incarnations of mass media. It is not that the prior media and social platforms were uninteresting, rather it’s the inevitable rise of new models that better address the shortcomings of... See more