It isn’t a marketplace like AirBnB. Wander owns every part of the experience so they can actively respond to consumer demands and add updates through smart technology
Isba has called for an immediate investigation into the “unknown delta” that is extracting one-third of supply chain spend, a move which will require industry collaboration, and for standardisation across “a range” of contractual and technological areas.
Open source projects, the infrastructure of digital public goods, have long relied on unsustainable funding sources like Github Sponsors, Open Collective, or Buy Me A Coffee. Besides the very few that have reached commercial success by transforming into enterprise SaaS, the vast majority of projects failed to find adequate funding.
The ultimate goal in life is not to be successful or loved, but to become the truest expression of ourselves, to live into authentic selfhood, to honor our birthright gifts and callings, and be of service to humanity and our world. In Teal, life is seen as a journey of personal and collective unfolding toward our true nature.