Video Game Industry: $221 Billion
Movie Industry: $77 Billion
Music Industry: $26.2 Billion
You could combine the revenue of the movie industry and the music industry, double it, and you'd still be shy of the gaming industry
Yeah, we play video games
Bottom line: When the amount of information available to be filtered is effectively unlimited, as is the case on the Net, then every improvement in the quality of filters will make information overload worse.
Discovery-driven shopping is the mall. It’s wandering around, browsing, deciding what you might want to buy. Discovery-driven shopping is about serendipity.
It’s true, in a sense, that the future of work is remote. It’s just that the future of remote work for the most important companies will involve paying through the nose so you can work-from-home in a home conveniently close to the office.
With this in mind, as with every platform, there exists a constant tension between value creation and value extraction. Substack is no exception to this. Virtually all the large platforms of today started off by initially focusing on value creation for their users and enabling them to succeed. Once users were successful and dependent on the platfor... See more
Fully remote school will continue to be unviable for many families. However, the appeal of certain elements (ie, project-based learning) may create new types of schools that maintain an out-of-home structure, but allow for the programmatic flexibility to which many learners have now been exposed. Historically, optionality in education has driven de... See more
Here’s a different valuation method to consider. Remove AXS tokens from the equation. If Axie Infinity were a regular video game, how much profit, in USD, would the platform generate? That forecast can be used to approximate the intrinsic value of the company. Since AXS tokens have economic ownership of Axie Infinity’s cash flow, the tokens can be ... See more
What's more Web3 presents a rich new palette to think about consumer engagement for every media company around how to incent participation, create hybrid membership / ownership structures and more broadly make interacting with content more fun for consumers. Perhaps another way to think about Web3 is as an open gaming platform for everything. Moder... See more