-Network Valuation: While some have proposed equations for valuation of protocol tokens, each token is unique and needs to have specific analysis done to evaluate it.
I regret that second step: I want to believe that companies that produce truly great content will have negotiating power with Aggregators, because customers will want what they have to sell. And, in very limited cases, that may be true. Anything beyond the very best of the best, though, risks a Wirecutter-type fate: yes, the investment in content p... See more
Serendipitous discovery has also been a mainstay of why people use Facebook. While people frequently open our app to connect with friends, family and communities, they also often open our app without an explicit intention. This use case and the motivation behind it was eloquently captured in our 2018/2019 research around “socially powered possibili... See more
Working from home, our connection to the office weakens, and our connection to the world outside the office expands. At the kitchen counter, hunched over your computer, you are as close to the people and communities on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram as you are to the Slack messages and chats of your bosses and colleagues. By degrees, the remote e... See more
That's an entirely plausible path by which people might use AI to excel in the visual arts, but there is an alternative scenario where the AI ends up being more like an iPad that you just use it to keep busy.