There's the potential for a community-driven, media-savvy insurgent to build an iconic brand and business off of these changes. Phluid is an interesting player right now, as is Machine A. I think there's room for plenty of others.
So much of getting good at anything is just pure labor: figuring out how to try and then offering up the hours...
...Pleople always assume I'm interested in the end result-the wonderful thing they've made-when what I'm really interested in is the process. How did you get this way and why? I'm curious about the ugliness of trying, the years and years... See more
But the greatest benefit of disagreeing well is not just that it will make conversations better, but that it will make the people who have them happier. If you study conversations, you find there is a lot more meanness down in DH1 than up in DH6. You don't have to be mean when you have a real point to make. In fact, you don't want to. If you have s... See more
In the months leading up to pub day, I sent approximately 8,613 emails out to friends, professional contacts, people I talked to once in a buffet line at a writing workshop 3 years ago, people who follow me on Twitter, and people who have never heard of me or my little book, offering them galleys and (in some cases!) directly begging them to cover ... See more
If a supply-sider runs unprofitably for too long, they’ll shut down. But that doesn’t mean the protocol shuts down. The protocol only shuts down when the last supplier goes offline because they, too, were running unprofitably. If no supplier can run profitably it’s likely a poorly designed protocol, or one supplying an unneeded or overly crowded se... See more