oken Distribution - How do you plan to reward contributors? How much of the supply will be reserved for the DAO treasury? Do you want to do a retroactive airdrop (reward contributor for their past contributions) or everyone's winning Token from a starting point? The challenge with Token Distribution is to create efficient distribution mechanisms th... See more
Seeding 2.0 also offers an alternative path to monetization to all the creators on platforms like Patreon who are used to earning monthly from their fans, but are stifled by Patreon's reliance on altruistic giving, rather than the more durable incentives of self-interest.
Which partly explains why Netflix CEO Reed Hastings has been widely quoted as saying that he’s more concerned with the competitive risk of massively networked, interactive experiences like Epic Games’s Fortnite than Hulu or HBO Max or any other traditional broadcaster.
Noah Beck, a TikTok creator with 30 million followers, recently said: “If you look at the most successful people on TikTok, they do relatable things. They’ll never be perfect. They’ll never show a perfect existence.”
Fully digital education will level out the playing field — anyone with an internet connection can participate to learn + earn, and compete for jobs, no matter their background.