- 10 Life Changing Ideas Visualized out of Lego 🧵
Nilay Patel on the Ezra Klein podcast talking about whether AI will break the Internet:
Every social media platform right now is turning into a short form video home shopping network. Linkedin just added short form videos. Like, they're all headed towards the same place all the time because they all have the same pressures.
And what you see is those
... See more- the internet era of culture is a contest between the old model of top-down elite tastemakers telling you what's good and the new numbers-driven viral creator ecosystem in which algorithmic feeds tell you what you like
Dont aim for better ways to get through a task. Instead look for projects you never wanna stop doing. Surrender to your nature.
Finding Meaning and
- Costco Is the World's 3r...
A beautiful quote from John O’Donahue, on friendship and conversations:
... See moreWhen was the last time you had a great conversation? A conversation that wasn’t just two intersecting monologues, but when you overheard yourself saying things you never knew you knew, that you heard yourself receiving from somebody words that found places within you that you th
- The Psychology of Money has sold over 3 million copies. But a third of the way through writing the book, author Morgan Housel threw out everything he had written. “I just didn’t like where it was going,” he said. So Housel started over and took an entirely different approach.… Show more