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If they become nations, that means the in-game currency (like SLP in Axie) would be able to be used outside of the game to pay for rent, groceries, and other real world expenses, without the need for a currency exchange.While the latter option may sound far-fetched, we’re already seeing our own scholars utilize SLP in their local regions for real w... See more
The average length of a news story is only 45 seconds, but it’s not possible to convey the whole depth of an important story in such short a time. It’s meant to entertain, to be trivial.
Advertising spend is down, non-essential affiliate marketing is on life support, subscription strategies are nascent, and direct-to-consumer commerce is a rarity. Media is being forced to evolve, once more. And so are brands.
CityCoins has made the interesting decision of trying to make an economic model that does not depend on any government support. The local government does not need to be involved in creating a coin; a community group can launch a coin by themselves.