from Peter Watts: "We're not thinking machines, we're feeling machines that happen to think."
- the vibe I get from every product called Something AI "Nearly everything in our daily lives is improved by Chemistry. From transportation, to the clothes we wear! Chemistry helps bring us better food. Makes our homes more beautiful, more comfortable. Helps protect our health,… Show more
Brand Storytelling and Positioning
yes!! this is why I banned using the phrase AI from any of our marketing materials. nobody cares about AI. they care about what you can do for them. - there is a faster-horse problem in AI that seems to be infiltrating the venture capital and startup ecosystem discourses rapidly. it is opportunistic at best and myopic at worst. when it comes to AI, I think we should make fewer declarative statements and ask more questions. I… Show more
Hunt, Gather, Parent: What Ancient Cultures Can Teach Us about the Lost Art of Raising Happy, Helpful Little Humans a book by Michaeleen Doucleff
7 highlights
- Only on Washington can you do something for 10yrs, fail, then leave and be considered an expert. -Jared Kushner on Lex Fridman
- a beautiful reminder to go outside, touch grass, cook, use our hands!
- Some software labor trends accelerated by DAOs: 1) Hiring guilds, ie. small self-contained teams, is normalized. 2) Modular software enables project-based contracts v. “indefinite” employment. 3) Open networks unlock the compensation ceiling, further aligning with impact.
Future of Work and
When you take the time to sit alone with your thoughts, you can find who you want to be; not who your parents want you to be, not who your friends want you to be, and definitely not who some shyster on Instagram or TikTok wants you to be.”
(Blaise Pascal: “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”)