Supply Chain — 75% of U.S. companies have experienced supply chain disruptions due to the COVID-19 outbreak, including mask and ventilator producers — China manufactures roughly half of the world’s masks. Countless examples of U.S. dependence on China for essential materials presents an opportunity and an economic imperative to diversify supply cha... See more
The most challenging products must EXPLAIN how something should be done (think Adobe Photoshop, where users must be find training on YouTube or elsewhere to engage — even initially—with the product). Having to explain your product is the least effective way to engage new users (and explains why products like Photoshop struggle to attract non-Pros).... See more
Aesthetics. An entire aesthetic world is a lot harder to copy than a visual handwriting or a tone of voice. It also takes longer to develop. Aesthetics is a value innovation form that stems from the brand POV. This aesthetic POV defines who the company is, what it stands for and also what kind of customers it wants to cultivate.
For platforms where participation functions like employment, as with gig or creator platforms, the optimal strategy would be to distribute coins to point holders at a regular interval: for example monthly, or even daily. That means the users who make valuable contributions, thus maintaining a certain point level, receive a stable income.
The second type of reforms, which I call dignitarian, take a further step beyond asserting rights to data-as-property, and resist data’s commodification altogether, drawing on a framework of civil and human rights to advocate for increased protections. Proposed reforms along these lines grant individuals meaningful capacity to say no to forms of da... See more