- Most companies suck at solving problems So they pay McKinsey $500K+ to do it for them Here’s their 7-step problem-solving framework (for free):
- One of my favorite sayings is "a dog with two owners dies of hunger." Singular accountability is powerful.
- Once again I find that I'm among the five or six people on a packed plane who care to look out the window at views unavailable to humankind for almost all of our history on earth
Please welcome HIFI, a financial rights organization for the music industry
2 highlights
- Wikipedia was, in some ways, the first Media DAO (I'm not the first person to say this) I listened to co-founder of Wikipedia @jimmy_wales speak last week He said something I keep thinking about, so I gotta do a quick thread 🧵
Crowdsourcing and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO)