Tyler doesn’t look for people who are just going to do well, he looks for undervalued talent that won’t do as well without his help Very talented people don’t always have an obvious route to success without your help
What is “talent?” Well, I suppose it’s the ability to do that which is excellent (that which astounds, amazes, and so on). It’s a bit circular, really: if you can write something that astounds, that is, de facto, proof of talent. Is there a way to predict it, to diagnostically spot it early, and issue some sort of reassuring certification, that one... See more
The biggest risk to an evolving system is that you become bogged down by experts from a world that no longer exists. The more evolution you have, the more you should expect that expertise has a shelf life.
Layer One: The access readers have to me. People reply to my essays all the time and I try to reply to every single email. That access has built a stronger relationship.
And importantly, though the nature of work is constantly evolving, Prop 22 requires a seven-eighths supermajority of the California legislature to amend, making it next to impossible to change the law in the future.
The 2000-2020 internet social has been dominated by a handful of players: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram. Yet will it remain exactly as it is ? Most likely no. The Internet Social landscape is undergoing a major change: Decentralization. Momentum is shifting from internet giants to micro-communities.