- Investors would never choose to invest in just one company; the risk is too concentrated. Instead, they build portfolios. Over time, workers will invest their time in a similar way.
from Nine Trends That Will Shape Our Careers in 2021 by Nick deWilde
- The other side of that idea – that everyone’s a creator – is that everyone’s also an investor. Time and energy are investments, even if they’re not always monetized. With an explicit financial layer in the form of tokens, users get a material stake in the platforms they use the most. The recent ENS airdrop is a good example of how this could work, ... See more
from Money for Everything: A Future Where Every Inch of Culture Is Monetized by Coindesk
- We're not competing for a piece of the pie, we're fighting for the crumbs.
from Main Street fights back by Justin Jackson
- Uhhh ok, so they talked to other people while working on their ideas? Sure, we shouldn’t have this naive view that these so-called solitary geniuses work 1000% on their own without any input whatsoever from other people, but that doesn’t mean that they didn’t do most of the heavy lifting.
from The Myth of the Myth of the Lone Genius by Roger's Bacon
- Music has just as much engagement as video games; there’s basically no reason there should be a 7x difference in market size — except for the business model.
from Better Aligning Value Creation & Value Capture by Erik Torenberg
- If all our customers vanished, and we had to earn our growth and brand from scratch, what would we do?
from Extreme brainstorming questions to trigger new, better ideas by Jason Cohen
- 4. It's local shops and not local products.
from Insights on the global eCommerce & DTC businesses by Ashwin Ramasamy
- - Fatigue — Sometimes your doctor just wants to go home!
from Things I’m Thinking About In Healthcare Part 2 by Nikhil Krishnan
- Of course, the liar often imagines that he does no harm as long as his lies go undetected. But the one lied to almost never shares this view. The moment we consider our dishonesty from the point of view of those we lie to, we recognize that we would feel betrayed if the roles were reversed.
from Making Sense | Sam Harris by Sam Harriss