The less formal education Chris’ friends have, the more he sees them aggressively emphasize it towards their kids. Over-specialization and intense competition has the potential to stifle growth for kids rather than stimulate
You can crowdfund / raise capital directly through your blog posts. ✨
Millions of dollars have already been raised this way via @viamirror, and they've recently opened their platform for everyone.
Here are 9 examples ranging from $60K to > $3 million:
Amos Tversky, the late collaborator of Nobel-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman, once said “the secret to doing good research is always to be a little underemployed. You waste years by not being able to waste hours.”
A few years ago, I started noticing invitations coming with a set of rules. Kind of boring or controlling, right? Wrong. In this multicultural, intersectional society, where more of us are gathered and raised by people and with etiquette unlike our own, where we don't share the etiquette, unspoken norms are trouble, whereas pop-up rules allow us to... See more
Failure is relative, and yet our idea of it is highly influenced by the perception of other people’s achievements—especially those who we consider (or once considered) our creative peers. To avoid falling into the trap of judging your own achievements against others’, honor your individuality at a microscopic level.