In other words, the internet enabled a vision where creativity and practicality were directly correlated. The more effort you put into your creative output, the greater the practical benefits would be.
My biggest takeaway from this whole experience was that luck plays a big part in the startup journey (both good and bad). Also, shit can change fast in this startup game. Hot one day and barely holding on the next. About to sell the company, to about to be fired, to back to closing an acquisition. More than anything though I learned that if you rai... See more
We are getting closer to a consumer-controlled world, and every company that spends money on advertising will be forced to find a new way to do business.
There are two main ways to create a Token. The first one is to make your Token on a Fixed Supply Model ; you're creating a fixed supply of Token, the standard is 10M, and you can then distribute it to whoever you want in the way you want. The second one is to create it on a Bonding Curve Model ; you're creating your Token on a Bonding Curve, which ... See more
A poor Coordinape setup could mean contributors are incentivised to reward their friends and the most active Discord users, not those who actually provided meaningful value.