What remains is one final bundle: the creation and substantiation of an idea. To use myself as an example, I have plenty of ideas, and thanks to the Internet, the ability to distribute them around the globe; however, I still need to write them down, just as an artist needs to create an image, or a musician needs to write a song. What is becoming in... See more
“At Panera, we talk a lot about what we call the “desire to friction ratio.” While that sounds math-y, it’s actually a simple idea for any consumer business: You want to keep increasing your customers’ desire for your product while working to reduce the friction they have to put up with to get your product.”
language models are not intelligent in the ways that even small children are intelligent, but they are already superhuman at tasks like summarization, translation (both linguistic and conceptual), and association. And when you apply those skills to artfully curated source material written by equally, but differently, gifted humans, magic can happen... See more
Constraints are intentional limitations or default states designed into a product that create recurring definitions in the way people use an app. They often seem counterintuitive, play psychological tricks on users, or seem reductive in capabilities.Examples: 180 character limit, 10 second exploding photos, etc.
Trying to combine the value of decentralization and open source to make it sustainable in supporting those working on these projects, without turning that support into the centralization of a group.