Something important changed between the 90s and today. If you look at most open source projects now, the distribution of who’s doing the work versus who’s simply there is skewed dramatically: it’s common to see projects where 95% of the work is done by a nucleus of people, perhaps even a single developer, with a long tail of “contributors” who are ... See more
But CloudKitchens is struggling to overcome early challenges, limiting how much it can take advantage of the crisis, at least in the U.S. Certain properties it has bought have turned out to be in worse shape than anticipated, making some of them unusable and sharply raising the costs of renovating others, say people with knowledge of the problems.
I’m not looking to rewind the clock back to a time before we all had email and cellphones. What I want is to be inspired by the last generation that made a new life-world—the postwar American abstract expressionist painters, jazz musicians, and writers and poets who created an alternate American modernism that directly challenged the ascendant Comm... See more
While our strategy is designed to stand the test of time, our execution and focus must be responsive to the needs of the current moment. Today we see a shift towards social media products serving as “discovery engines.” We’re sharing an updated articulation of our near-term priorities that are aimed at strengthening the Facebook discovery engine. T... See more
Until 2023, Facebook won’t take any cut of newsletter revenues; compared with Substack’s 10 percent cut, and Twitter’s 5 percent cut, Bulletin looks quite generous — particularly to people making six figures or more on their newsletters. But any student of recent media history knows that Facebook has a habit of changing the terms on its publishing ... See more