Not Boring (with Packy McCormick) | Acquired Podcast
- How GPT-3 will turn all of your notes into an *actual* second brain:
Note Taking and
smallness and
- I'm convinced that the biggest problem Mozilla had was that the business model we stumbled into (ad revenue sharing from search providers) gave us a firehose of money that was mostly disconnected from our execution no matter how you measure things.
- airdrops are cool - we love the "free" $, but bootstrapping a community around a token drop does little more than gather a community of speculators, rather than actual users. 1) do token holders care about the community? 2) what utility is associated with holding the token?
The King of Wishful Thinking - Live From My Porch
- crypto's killer feature is the least obvious: decentralized single sign-on people don't care about technology. they care about convenience.
Future of Food and