- The BTRST token has just launched on the Ethereum mainnet. That means thousands of you, the talent, are now official community owners and govern the Braintrust network. You’re able to use your tokens to vote on key decisions and to control the future of the platform you make your living on.
from Braintrust Launches BTRST Token to Decentralize Ownership, Control, and Governance on the Braintrust Network.
- “All things being equal, people buy from their friends. So make everything else equal, then go make a lot of friends.”
from Audience and Wealth, Part I by Mario Gabriele
- Not at all. On the contrary, we are seeing the emergence of a new velocity-focused strategy in the venture/growth3 asset class that will fundamentally change the way that venture capital is raised. By breaking many long-held but outdated rules & norms of venture/growth investing, Tiger has developed a flywheel that enables them to offer a better/fa... See more
from Playing Different Games by Everett Randle
- The other problem with media comes from the new subscription business model they implemented. With an increasing polarization, media outlets must stay in their political leaning. If they don’t, they face a massive loss of subscriptions. An example of this happened recently with the NYT. By publishing “Send in the Troops,” the company faced one of i... See more
from It’s Time For a Media Revolution: The GitHub Model of Truth by Mehdi Yacoubi
- In the workplace, the biggest change has been the move of technology from a supporting role to a central role. It isn’t just that messaging became more important or that video meetings began to work, but that people quickly realized these can actually be superior. The next step is to take these tactical lessons and apply them more broadly to how a ... See more
from Creating the Future of Work by Steven Sinofsky
- So we need both horizontal and vertical connections as well as the ability to handle structured data. Sounds pretty much like…
from The Knowledge Organization by Anton Iokov
- Everybody loves the convenience of ecommerce — and everybody loves complaining about the mountains of shipping packaging it creates. In that tension is our opportunity: eliminating single-use packaging that is expensive, cumbersome, and bad for the planet. We’ve done that by developing light, durable, easy-to-use bags and boxes to replace cardboard... See more
from Big Ideas: “How we can eliminate single use packaging” with Mike Newman, CEO of Returnity… by Mike Newman
- One of the fundamental aspects of leadership, I realized more and more, is the ability to instill confidence in others when you yourself are feeling insecure.
from Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time by Howard Schultz
- Remember that this moment is not your life, it’s just a moment in your life. Focus on what is in front of you, right now. Ignore what it “represents” or it “means” or “why it happened to you.”
from The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph by Ryan Holiday