- Here’s a simple mnemonic you can use the next time you arrive at a line: “W.A.I.T.”
WAIT stands for W hy are you being an A sshole, I t’s not like any of us want T o be here either.
Remember: “Waiting in Line” is a critical skill of human beings, and one of the basic building blocks of a decent society. If you’d like to see what life would be like w... See morefrom Lines: A Beginner’s Guide by Shalom Auslander
love this rant on patience
Luxury takes time to be achieved and to be appreciated. Luxury cannot and must not move fast.
-Giorgio Armani
Jim Simons: "I’m not an extremely fast thinker myself; I just work hard."
That was all I needed to do—work hard, not fast. A paper I published in '68 took me five years. But it has had 1,850 citations. For a math paper, that’s an awful lot.
There’s too much emphasis on a person’s being able to answer questions quickly."
Boy, I hurried... I hurried for a long time. I'm sorry I did. All the time you're hurrying, you're not really as aware as you should be. You're trying to make things happen instead of just letting it happen. You follow me?
-Bob Dylan
- The way of the tourist is to consume; the way of the pilgrim is to be consumed. To the tourist the journey is a means. The pilgrim understands that it is both a means and an end in itself. The tourist and the pilgrim experience time differently. For the former, time is the foe that gives consumption its urgency. For the latter, time is a gift in wh... See more
from The Tourist and the Pilgrim
This is 66: 'White Lotus' Executive Producer Mark Kamine Responds to The Oldster Magazine Questionnaire
Chamath on the importance of slow compounding:
“The faster you build it, that is the half life: it will get destroyed in the same amount of time.”
Things tend to come and go, tip to one side and then the other, tide out and back in, grow and then rot, get created and destroyed, at the same speed.- Fun graphic on $META from the Rowan Street annual letter (a hedge fund that printed a 102.6% net return in 2023): Shows how non-linear the path to good returns can be and how conviction pays off. See more
adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson